Central Square Market

The small fruit and vegetable market at Central Square has been run by four generations of the same family since 1961.

In the initial planning of the town, a fruit and vegetable market was to be created at the top of Market Way near the station. However, Market Way was renamed Northway as the Market idea was not taken up and the properties were either zoned residential or open space. However, in 1929 the Pinelands Civic Association obtained permission to operate a market at a venue in Central Square. At some stage (possibly around 1937) the market was operated by Mr Allderman who sold fruit, vegetables and dairy produce twice a week.

 In 1944 a special meeting was held by the Pinelands Civic Association to gain urgent support to revive a Fruit and Veg Market at Central Square to be run by volunteers. There was widespread support for such a market. The opening day followed within a month and the Pinelands member of parliament for Pinelands, RJ du Toit formally opened the market. Unfortunately, the opening was less than successful with a lack of produce. For the next few months it ran at a loss, but the initial problems were soon overcome and it continued operating on Thursdays and Fridays until the Pinelands Coop opened in 1946 on the same site.

 A new market was opened in the same area by Hermanus Jurgens in February 1952 assisted by the Cornwall sisters and Mrs Zubbida Mosaval. On a request from the Pinelands Ratepayer Association the Municipality built a market shelter on Central Square near the Municipal Offices in 1955. Jurgens moved to the brick shelter with Zabbida still as his assistant. When Howard Centre opened in 1961, Jurgens left to open a shop at the Howard Centre. His assistant, Zubbida, remained and took over the running of the market. She was joined by her husband Abdullah who was responsible for the deliveries to regular customers until he passed away in 1970. Residents at time referred to the market as being a blaze of colour due to the flowers they sold as well as fruit and vegetables. Each weekend the market supplied flowers to Pinelands churches. Zubbida’ s daughter Adella Solomon joined her in 1962 and eventually took over the running of the Market, assisted by Johanna Morris. In 2002 homeless people sleeping overnight in the shelter and fouling the shelter became problematic. The city agreed to secure the shelter so it could be locked at night. Adellah continued operating at the market until 2003 when she had a heart attack. Nevertheless, as of 2022, Adellah stills visits the market from time to time to meet and catch up with the news of her clients. In 2003 Adellah’s sister, Zainub Armin, took over and still operates the market. She gets up at 5 am every Tuesday to Saturday to buy fresh produce from the Epping Market. From time to time, she is assisted by her granddaughter, Zainub Fakir, making her the fourth generation of the family to work at the market

Zainub Armin in the shelter (2022)